The Themify Builder Countdown addon is a versatile tool for creating anticipation and countdowns on your website. Here’s a breakdown of its features:
Countdown Functionality:
- Date and Time Selection: Allows you to select any date and time for the countdown, ideal for events, product launches, or promotions.
- Timer Display: Displays the countdown in years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, offering an accurate countdown display.
- Customizable Appearance: Each numerical component is placed within its own box container, enabling customization of colors, opacity, and backgrounds.
Configuration Options:
- Dropdown Calendar: Provides an adjustable calendar for selecting the countdown date and time.
- Finish Actions: Offers three finish action options – Do Nothing, Redirect to an external URL, or Show content, giving post-countdown possibilities.
- Show Content Option: Displays any content placed in the Text editor, supporting text, HTML, media, and shortcodes for post-countdown messaging.
- Language Customization: Enables label customization, allowing you to change countdown labels to any language or text.
Visual Customization:
- Custom Backgrounds: Allows customization of backgrounds for the countdown, providing options to match your website’s design.
- Opacity Adjustment: Adjusts opacity color for background and text, offering enhanced visual control and aesthetics.
The Countdown addon effectively builds excitement and anticipation, offering a visually appealing countdown timer that’s customizable to match your website’s aesthetics and language preferences.