The “Digits – Additional Fields and Logic Builder” is an enhancement to the Digits plugin, offering expanded functionality and conditional logic for form fields. Here’s an overview of its key features:
Additional Form Fields
- Time Field: Allows users to input time information.
- Date & Time Field: Enables users to select both date and time.
- Date Range Field: Provides options for selecting a range of dates.
- Date & Time Range Field: Allows users to select a range of dates and times.
- Heading Field: Used for introducing sections or headings within the form.
- HTML Field: Permits the addition of HTML content within the form.
- Upload Field: Allows users to upload files within the form.
Conditional Logic Builder
- Hide/Show Fields: Implements conditional logic to display or hide specific fields based on predefined conditions.
- User Role-Based Fields: Enables the creation of different sets of form fields for different user roles during the signup process.
- Redirection Rules: Offers options for redirecting users to different pages based on specific conditional rules.
Additional Functionality
- Auto-Populate Fields: Allows fields to be automatically populated based on certain conditions or user input.
These additional fields and the conditional logic builder greatly expand the capabilities of the Digits plugin, providing more customization options and flexibility in creating forms with different fields, conditions, and user experiences during the signup process.