Mainwp advanced uptime monitor

MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor

Version: 5.3.1

Last Update: June 6, 2024

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MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor

The MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor is a free extension for MainWP, designed to help you monitor the uptime of multiple connected child sites from a single dashboard. Here are some key features and benefits of this extension:

1. 5-Minute Checks: The Advanced Uptime Monitor extension checks your websites every 5 minutes, 24/7. If a site fails to load, it performs additional checks over the next 3 minutes to confirm the website’s status. If the site remains down, it triggers immediate notifications.

2. Increased Uptime: By quickly identifying and addressing website downtime or issues, this extension allows you to respond promptly and minimize any disruption in your website’s availability. This is particularly crucial in e-commerce and online businesses where uptime is critical for sales and user experience.

3. Instant Notifications: The extension provides instant email notifications when something goes wrong with your websites. You can configure notifications to be sent to specific email addresses, ensuring that the right person or team is alerted when an issue arises.

4. Multiple Monitoring Services: The extension supports various monitoring services, including Uptime Robot, NodePing, Site24x7, and Better Uptime. You can choose the service that best fits your needs for monitoring website uptime.

In summary, the MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor is a valuable tool for website owners and managers who need to monitor multiple WordPress sites for uptime and quickly respond to any downtime or performance issues. This extension helps ensure that your websites remain accessible to visitors and customers, ultimately improving the overall user experience and business continuity.

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