BLO is a versatile Multi-concept Corporate Business WordPress Theme designed exclusively for startups, apps and digital agencies, technology, and corporate businesses. It incorporates the powerful Elementor drag-and-drop visual page builder and ElementsKit, the most advanced Elementor addons. Additionally, it features the latest version of Revolution Slider with robust Unyson theme options. BLO offers flexibility with a range of features, including image sections, video sections, color options, and unlimited Google fonts.
Key Features:
- Multi-concept Design: Tailored for startup, apps, digital agency, technology, and corporate business websites.
- Elementor Page Builder: Utilizes the powerful Elementor drag-and-drop visual page builder for easy customization.
- ElementsKit Integration: Comes with advanced features and elements for building creative business websites effortlessly.
- Revolution Slider: Includes the latest version of Revolution Slider with powerful options for dynamic content.
- Flexibility: Offers a highly flexible design with features like image sections, video sections, color customization, and unlimited Google fonts.
- Prepos and Sass: Built with Prepos and Sass for efficient and organized stylesheet management.
- Unyson Framework: Features the Unyson framework for enhanced theme options and functionality.
- Customization: Easy to customize with a theme customizer panel, header and footer builder, mega menu builder, and a vast collection of Elementor widgets.
- Responsive Design: Fully responsive layout ensuring compatibility with various devices and screen sizes.
- Cross-browser Compatibility: Compatible with major browsers including Edge, IE11+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome.
- Icon Collections: Includes Google fonts, Font Awesome with 400+ icons, and 200+ line icons for diverse design options.
- Smooth Animation: Features smooth animations and parallax sections for an engaging user experience.
- Ajax Contact Form: Working Ajax contact form with validation for easy communication.
- Google Maps Integration: Easily set up Google Maps via data attributes to showcase locations.
- Documentation: Well-documented theme with comprehensive instructions for setup and customization.
BLO is designed to provide a seamless and optimized experience for both website owners and visitors, with the ability to toggle features on or off based on specific needs. With its clean and simple design, BLO promises to impress users and deliver a highly customizable solution for corporate business websites.