The School Management System plugin for WordPress is a comprehensive tool designed to help educational institutions, specifically schools, manage their day-to-day operations more efficiently. The system offers different access rights for administrators, teachers, students, and parents, making it a versatile solution for school management. Here’s an overview of the modules included in this system:
Rich Dashboard with Analytics: Get an overview of key school metrics and analytics from a central dashboard.
Admin Module: This module is for administrators and provides control over the entire system, including user management, settings, and reporting.
Student Module: Manage student profiles, attendance, grades, and other student-related information.
Teacher Module: Administer teacher profiles, schedules, and other relevant data.
Parent Module: Parents can access information related to their children, such as attendance, grades, and announcements.
Subject Module: Manage subjects taught at the school.
Class Module: Organize classes, sections, and related details.
Grade Module: Define grading systems and criteria.
Manage Marks: Record and manage student marks and grades.
Attendance Module: Track student and teacher attendance.
Message Module: Communicate with teachers, students, and parents through the messaging feature.
Notice-Event Module: Share notices, announcements, and events with the school community.
Transportation Module: Manage school transportation details.
Hall List: Create lists of students for various purposes, such as exams or events.
Holiday Module: Keep track of school holidays.
Migration Module: Facilitate student transfers and migrations.
Payment Module: Handle fee payments and financial transactions.
Reports: Generate various reports related to school operations.
Student Class Routine: Provide class schedules to students.
Teacher Routine: Share teacher schedules.
Print Marksheet in PDF: Generate mark sheets in PDF format.
Migrate Student in Single Click: Simplify student migration with a single click.
Admission Module: Manage student admissions.
Exam Module: Administer school exams and assessments.
Homework Module: Share homework assignments with students.
Hostel Module: Manage school hostels and related data.
Fees Payment Module: Handle fee collection and payments.
Library Module: Manage the school library, including book tracking and lending.
Custom Fields Module: Add custom fields to adapt the system to your school’s specific needs.
This School Management System for WordPress offers a range of powerful features with a unique design. It’s a one-click install solution that can help streamline various school operations and improve communication among administrators, teachers, students, and parents.